Massie Block

Name: Massie  Block

Favorite Pet: Puh-lease, choosing between Bean and Brownie is like deciding whether to wear my left boot or my right one. Pets are like back-to-school totes-----you gotta have two, you know.

First Lip Kiss: Easy. Derrington.

Now Tell The Truth: Fine, it was Todd Lyons, okay? I was tricked. It was a total apoca-lips.

Guilty Pleasure: Nutz over Luna bars.

Signature Scent:  Chanel No. 19.

I'd Never Leave The House Without: Arating of atleast 8. Oh, and Gossip Girl lip gloss.

Accessory Must: My Tiffany charm bracelet.

People Describe Me As A: GEE Girl Everyone Envies

Best Friend:  Why limit yourself to just one?

Best Known For: Comebacks. Hey are you a bank loan? Then what's with all the intrest?

Pet Peeve: People who don't do what I say.

Favorite Designer: Talk to me this Spring. You're only as good as your last collection.

Dream Job: Puh-lease, there's nothing dreamy about a job.

Favorite Expression(s): "Puh-lease." "Ehmagawd." "Ah-mazing." I love writing State Of The Unions. I don't think thats an expression, but they're clever times ten.

Favorite Game: What Would You Rather?

What's Your Style?: Trendy-Chic

Designers You're Currently Wearing: Ella Moss, DKNY, BCBG, Lauren Moffatt.